• Taking Responsibility
    for a sustainable future
  • Community Garden
    We run workshops to inspire
    the enjoyment of gardening
  • Selwyn Responsible
    Business Awards
    Working together to achieve the
    highest level of
    sustainable business practices
  • Mahoe Reserve
    Our vision is to create a healthy indigenous ecosystem
    Creating Community Together One Trade At A Time
  • Events and Initiatives
    That Build Sustainable Communities

Lincoln Envirotown Trust
Taking responsibility for a sustainable future
We work with the community to promote the long term environmental sustainability of the Waikirikiri / Selwyn District with the understanding that this is also the basis for social, cultural and economic sustainability in the future.

Get In Touch
Contact us


PO Box 85084,
Lincoln University, Lincoln,


03 423 0445


Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, without whom our work would not be possible.

Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University and Creative Communities Scheme.