
Selwyn Trap Library – February 2020

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library) 22 Gerald Street, Lincoln

Come see us for trapping advice, trap hire or to figure out what we are about. There will be a limited number of DOC200 traps and bait to loan out. Any queries please email Sam on traplibraryselwyn@gmail.com The trap library will be open on the last Saturday of every month.

Mahoe Reserve Working Bee

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance) 34 Boundary Road, Lincoln

            Come along and help us in the restoration and maintenance of the Mahoe native reserve. Please wear closed toe shoes, garden gloves, sunglasses or other eye protection, if you can. Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2pm.   _____________________________________________   Our Sponsors A big thank […]

Backyard Biodiversity Workshop

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street. 35 James Street, Lincoln

How to attract native birds, lizards and insects to your garden (A Lincoln Envirotown Trust family event) Presented by Mike Bowie Mike has worked at Lincoln University as an entomologist for over 30 years on many ecological restoration projects including Quail Island, Mahoe Reserve and Te Ara Kakariki (Greenway Canterbury Trust). He has written many […]

Backyard Nature Hunt – Easter Sunday

Join Us this Easter for a Nature Hunt in your own backyard The hunt starts on Easter Sunday for anything that swims, flies, grows, crawls and hides in your backyard! You will be using the iNaturalist NZ website so you need to get your mobile phone, install the iNaturalist NZ app and focus on nature […]

Focus For Future – Selwyn Environmental Short Film Competition 2020

Into Film? Passionate about the environment? Do your bit to encourage people to take care of the environment! Make a film that will stimulate those who view it into taking action! We challenge you to Focus for Future and make a short film (5 mins max.). The competition is open to all, and people are […]

Mahoe Reserve Working Bee – June 2020

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance) 34 Boundary Road, Lincoln

Come along and help us in the restoration and maintenance of the Mahoe native reserve. Please wear suitable shoes, bring spades, garden gloves, sunglasses or other eye protection, also a bucket for mulch, if you can. Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2pm. _____________________________________________ Our Sponsors A big thank you to […]

Selwyn Trap Library – June 2020

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library) 22 Gerald Street, Lincoln

  Come see us for trapping advice, trap hire or to figure out what we are about. There will be a limited number of DOC200 traps and bait to loan out. Any queries please email Sam on traplibraryselwyn@gmail.com The trap library will be open on the last Saturday of every month.

Planting Day at the Mahoe Reserve

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance) 34 Boundary Road, Lincoln

Come along and help us with our annual planting at the Mahoe native reserve. Please wear suitable shoes, bring spades, garden gloves, sunglasses or other eye protection, also a bucket for mulch, if you can. Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2pm. _____________________________________________ Our Sponsors A big thank you to our wonderful […]

Explore Our Wetlands – KidsFest

Lincoln Event Centre 15 Meijer Drive, Lincoln

Ticket sales start on Tuesday 2 June at 9am. - Come on a journey into our exciting wetlands. - Discover which animals live in them and what grows around them. - Find out where our wetlands are and why they are important. - Make all these discoveries, through a variety of craft and science activities. […]

$3 – $5

Selwyn Trap Library

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library) 22 Gerald Street, Lincoln

      Our Sponsors A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community and Lincoln University.

Our Sponsors
A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University, Creative Communities Scheme, Lincoln Community Trust, Lincoln Community Committee.