

ReDiscover Pines Resource Recovery Park, 183 Burnham School Road, Burnham

We have been invited to a workshop at the Rediscover Education Centre in Burnham this month (March). They run workshops during the week, which are fantastic to attend! Get in touch with Fiona if you are interested in attending using the contact details below and she will give you full details including date and time.

Coffee and Art

Selwyn Timebank March Coffee Morning This month we're meeting in Leeston for coffee and if you can, bring a little plate to share. This is also an opportunity to trade any items/produce you have. This will be followed by a visit to the Lakeland Art Gallery in Leeston to look at what is featuring in […]


Envirotown Social

The Laboratory 17 West Belt, Lincoln

Lincoln Envirotown invite you to a casual evening of delicious bites at The Laboratory Lincoln Mezzanine! It's a great opportunity to connect with the passionate individuals behind our various projects and share ideas for future initiatives.  It's also a chance for us to express thanks to our dedicated volunteers and supporters with a spread of pizza […]


Basic Bonsai Techniques

Lincoln Baptist Church 109 Carnavernon Drive, Lincoln

SOLD OUT Basic Bonsai Techniques is an introductory workshop for beginners presented by Tony Bywater, Christchurch Bonsai Society. Have you ever thought of developing your own Bonsai tree? Come to this workshop to learn how to do it. Watch an ordinary nursery tree turn into a Bonsai, then have a go yourself. Learn what to […]


March Selwyn Trap Library

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library) 22 Gerald Street, Lincoln

Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire. The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap.  The aim is to remove these predators […]


Plastic – Kim Hill Hot Topic

Lincoln University Ellesmere Junction Road/Springs Road, Lincoln

Join Kim Hill and panellists in a stimulating discussion on Plastic. As per tradition, the well-known Radio personality Kim Hill will lead a panel of experts who will discuss this year’s topic “PLASTIC – how do we live with it”. Once the panel have deliberated their varying views, the audience will be invited to question […]


Bonsai Refresher Workshop

Lincoln Baptist Church 109 Carnavernon Drive, Lincoln

Bonsai Refresher Workshop is presented by Tony Bywater, Christchurch Bonsai Society. If you have already done a beginner’s workshop, or have some bonsai of your own at home, here is a chance to get further input into the styling and care of your trees. The workshop focuses on further development/refinement and care of existing bonsai, so […]


Lincoln’s Mahoe Native Reserve April Working Bee

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance) 34 Boundary Road, Lincoln

Come along and help us restore and maintain the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln. Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm. Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).


Fungi in your Garden

Lincoln Library 22 Gerald Street,, Lincoln

Some fungi will help your plants to get nutrients and protect them from diseases, while others will make your plants sick. You will find out about promoting the good fungi, and keeping the bad ones in check. You will also learn about the life-cycles of fungi so you know what to look out for to […]


Our Sponsors
A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University, Creative Communities Scheme, Lincoln Community Trust, Lincoln Community Committee.