Selwyn Timebank April Coffee Morning
Free This month we’re meeting in Prebbleton for coffee. Please let me know if you would like to join us:
Free This month we’re meeting in Prebbleton for coffee. Please let me know if you would like to join us:
Some fungi will help your plants to get nutrients and protect them from diseases, while others will make your plants sick. You will find out about promoting the good fungi, and keeping the bad ones in check. You will also learn about the life-cycles of fungi so you know what to look out for to […]
Is your business looking at how to be more socially and environmentally responsible? Join the Selwyn Responsible Business Network to discuss your business sustainability goals and challenges. Date: Wednesday, April 17thTime: 5:00 pm Location: Te Ara Atea, Rolleston Event Agenda: Please register at the link below to secure your spot. We look forward to seeing […]
Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire. The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. The aim is to remove these predators […]
We have a timebank member who has offered to teach others the power of essential oils! Join us for a workshop on how to harness the incredible benefits of essential oils. For full details get in touch with Fiona, contact details below:
🦋 Join our exciting search for various species in the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln. You'll be on the hunt for anything that flies, grows, crawls and hides! This free event welcomes nature enthusiasts of all ages! Your observations are uploaded to iNaturalist.NZ as part of The 2024 City Nature Challenge Otautahi. If you haven't already then download the iNaturalist app to your […]
Environmental Short Film Competition Into Film? Passionate about the Environment? We challenge you to Focus for Future! Make a short film (under 5 minutes) about our Environment or highlighting a specific environmental issue you are passionate about. Get creative and send us your film by 5pm, Tuesday 27th August 2024. The competition is open to all, and you are encouraged […]
Come along and help us restore and maintain the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln. Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm. Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).
This month we’re meeting in Lincoln for coffee. Come along for an opportunity to trade, share information and meet our members! Please let me know if you would like to join us:
Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire. The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. The aim is to remove these predators […]
Our Sponsors
A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University, Creative Communities Scheme, Lincoln Community Trust, Lincoln Community Committee.