We are embarking on a set of projects to help make Selwyn Predator Free, starting with Lincoln.
We aim to start tackling the problem in the following ways:
We are starting a Trap Library of traps. Full instruction and Health and Safety advice will be provided.
The library will open for the first time on the 26th October 10am – 1pm at the Lincoln Farmers Market. Come see us for trapping advice, trap hire or to figure out what we are about. There will be a limited number of DOC200 traps and bait to loan out. For library dates and times see Events.
We aim to promote Predator Free NZ and everyone to get involved in trapping at home using the library and in the wider community. With the intended outcome that Lincoln becomes predator free and that the project can be expanded to other Selwyn Communities.
We aim to determine the pest problem and monitor trends with tracking tunnels and then set correctly designated traps in the Mahoe Reserve and Lincoln Wetlands.
Contact us to get involved in Predator Free Selwyn SelwynTrapLibrary@gmail.com