A Tonne of Batteries Recycled in Unique Project
In April 2017 the Lincoln Envirotown Trust delivered 40 Kgs of batteries to Ecotech Services in Christchurch for them to undergo a recycling process instead of going to landfill. The Batteries are deposited by members of the public into the recycling container provided at Lincoln New World. In early September of this year the 1000th kilogram was delivered.
As Lincoln Envirotown and New World started the project, there was simply no way of knowing how people would react and what sort of response there would be. It was envisaged that there may be an early influx of batteries as people cleared out those they had stored without any clear sustainable way of disposing of them but that after that there would be a drop off. In fact the opposite has happened with the numbers of batteries deposited growing in most months. Some months have seen more than 100 Kgs deposited.