As part of this year’s City to Nature Challenge Ōtautahi we ran a Mini BioBlitz at the Mahoe Nature Reserve in Lincoln. Thanks to everyone that came along to make for a really successful afternoon with around 50 attending; enjoying the hunt for anything that flies, grows, crawls and hides! The different life forms discovered were catalogued via iNaturalist NZ – Mātaki Taiao.
Grateful thanks to Mike Bowie and several Lincoln University students who were the driving force and did all the preparatory work as well as overseeing the activities.
A great project and I am sure that as long as the City Nature Challenge runs, we will continue to run it each year.
As part of the City Nature Challenge Otautahi, Lincoln Envirotown Trust are planning a Mini Blitz in the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln.
The Mahoe Mini Blitz will take place on Saturday 29th April 2 pm – 4 pm. Mike Bowie from Lincoln University will be conducting a search for various species in the reserve. This will involve you uploading your observations to iNaturalist.NZ.
This is part of The City Nature Challenge 2023 which takes place on the weekend of Friday 28th April – Monday 1st May.
The hunt starts on Easter Sunday for anything that swims, flies, grows, crawls and hides! Visit your local reserve or any natural area and see what you can find.
You will be using the iNaturalist NZ website so you need to install the iNaturalist NZ app on your mobile and focus on nature.
Join the fun and discover the nature that lives in and around your local reserve!
BioBlitz is a scientific race against time to count as many different species as you can in a 24-hour period. Throughout Easter Sunday you can become a Citizen Scientist, it’s up to you whether you spend an hour or all day as a Nature Detective.
Challenge yourself to find creatures that only come out early in the morning or in the dark?
Mammals; cats, hedgehogs, rats, possums (see how to make a tracking tunnel before Easter Sunday); plants, weeds; worms; bugs; lizards; moths. Listening and looking for birds – you can record and upload sounds on iNaturalist.
If you wish to make your own tracking tunnel, to put out on Saturday night and record mammals and lizards click here for instructions.