Lincoln’s Mahoe Native Reserve September Working Bee

September 1 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm


Come along and help us restore and maintain the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln.

Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm.

Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).

Contact Mahoe Reserve

03 4230445

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance)

34 Boundary Road
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

August Selwyn Trap Library

August 31 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm


Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.

The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. 

The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.

The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.

Registration is not required, just come along.

Contact Selwyn Trap Library

03 423 0445

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library)

22 Gerald Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Lincoln’s Mahoe Native Reserve August Working Bee

August 4 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm


Come along and help us restore and maintain the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln.

Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm.

Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).

Contact Mahoe Reserve

03 4230445

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance)

34 Boundary Road
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

July Selwyn Trap Library

July 27 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm


Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.

The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. 

The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.

The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.

Registration is not required, just come along.

Contact Selwyn Trap Library

03 423 0445

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library)

22 Gerald Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

KidsFest – Waves Meet Wonders

July 12 @ 10:00 am 12:30 pm

$5 ticket gives entry for up to 4 people, including caregivers.

Come and see what happens when Waves meet the Wonders of our Coasts. Enjoy various craft activities, exciting science demonstrations and a tunnel for younger kids. High School students will help you discover what lives or grows on our coastline and how you can look after these areas.

The Lincoln High School Sustainability Council have devised over 10 craft activities and simple science experiments for our annual KidsFest Event. This year children are invited to explore the coast through hands-on interactive crafts and science activities. They will learn about the life to be found on our beaches and rock pools and their importance to us. This craft morning is truly a community experience with the older students getting as much out of it through their organising and mentoring as the younger ones doing the activities and the learning.

Contact Lincoln Envirotown Trust

+64 3 423 0445

Lincoln Event Centre

15 Meijer Drive
Lincoln, Canterbury 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

June Selwyn Trap Library

June 29 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm


Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.

The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. 

The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.

The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.

Registration is not required, just come along.

Contact Selwyn Trap Library

03 423 0445

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library)

22 Gerald Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Lincoln’s Mahoe Native Reserve June Working Bee

June 2 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm


Come along and help us restore and maintain the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln.

Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm.

Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).

Contact Mahoe Reserve

03 4230445

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance)

34 Boundary Road
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

May Selwyn Trap Library

May 25 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm


Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.

The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. 

The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.

The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.

Registration is not required, just come along.

Contact Selwyn Trap Library

03 423 0445

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library)

22 Gerald Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Fungi in your Garden

Fungi In Your Garden

Friends and Foes

If you missed the recent presentation by Wendy Kentjens on fungi, here are a few tips from the well attended workshop that took place in April. While we have useful fungi such as mushrooms and yeasts, Wendy devoted most of her talk to dealing with problem fungi.

Here are the suggested steps:

  1. Provide a non-conducive environment: Do not irrigate at night, allow good airflow through plants and trees, avoid soil compaction.
  2. Reduce susceptibility of host plant: Provide sufficient light/shade, give enough food, give just enough water (not too much).
  3. Minimise spread: Have diversity of plants, fungi-resistant plants, avoid overhead irrigation, remove diseased parts, unhealthy leaves.
  4. Break life cycle using crop rotation.
  5. Have a suppressive soil: Soil with rich microbial diversity, no-dig gardening, use of compost and manure.

Types of problem fungi frequently encountered by gardeners include powdery mildew (grapes and fruit trees), rust, anthracene (tomatoes) and botrytis rot (strawberries and grapes).

Ngā mihi nui Wendy.

Get in Touch with Ruth Wood,

Lincoln Community Gardens Coordinator

021 074 3905

Mini BioBlitz at the Mahoe Reserve

Mini BioBlitz at the Mahoe Reserve

City Nature Challenge 2024

On Sunday 28 April, we held a thoroughly enjoyable and hopefully, informative and educational, Mini Bioblitz at the Mahoe Reserve. The weather cooperated and over 60 people of all ages searched the trails of the reserve identifying the flora and fauna and registering their findings on iNaturalist as part of the City to Nature Challenge.

At the Mahoe Blitz a total of 194 observations were uploaded to iNaturalist made up of 108 species.  These formed part of the City to Nature Challenge Ōtautahi/Christchurch Project that recorded over 20,000 observations during the challenge! 

Very grateful thanks to Mark and Hamish – Mark from Canterbury Museum who at short notice explained to everyone what the challenge involved and provided the various containers, nets etc. which proved to be essential. Hamish from Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research was on hand to identify the numerous plant types in the reserve.

Lincoln University student volunteers were kept very busy all afternoon identifying and helping people with the technology – there is no doubt that the various processes could not have run so smoothly without them and everyone had such an enjoyable experience.  Thanks also to our own volunteers who set up and kept everyone engaged and happy.

Kia ora rawa atu!

The success of the event was such that we have undertaken to run another in spring as various plants flower and we will give some emphasis to these as well as the other exciting life forms to be found. 


Dave Fitzjohn
