Regenerative agriculture has burst onto the NZ and global agricultural scene in the last few years gaining very large amounts of visibility and engagement with government and sector organisation, but, while still being something of a mystery to many. This talk will outline the massive changes to the context of agriculture globally, why that is driving the interest in regenerative agriculture and what regenerative agriculture is, and is not, and why mindset is such an important part of what regen is about.
Presented by Charles Merfield (Merf).
The talk will be followed by Lincoln Envirotown AGM – people are welcome to remain for the AGM if they wish.
This event will only take place in level two or below:
Masks must be worn on entering the Lincoln Event Centre, please scan in.
Refreshments cannot be provided so please bring your own drink bottles, if required.
Seating will be appropriately distanced.
Lincoln Event Centre
15 Meijer Drive Lincoln,
7608New Zealand+ Google Map
A workshop on the key characteristics of soil, their importance, and how to maintain healthy garden soil.
The soil is the foundation of a healthy garden, whether it is a lawn, a vegetable garden or a simple flower garden.
Roger McLenaghen of Lincoln University will present the workshop at the Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. Roger is a senior tutor in the Soil Science Department. He runs the soil science laboratories for undergraduate classes, and lectures to Diploma students.
Bring along an ice-cream container of your vegetable garden soil if you would like to have it assessed.
Gold coin donation appreciated to support the Community Gardens.
Please note the venue for this workshop has changed to Lincoln Baptist Church, 109 Carnavernon Drive, Lincoln 7672.
Unfortunately at Level 2 we are unable to host visitors to the community gardens, we are very lucky that we can still hold this workshop thanks to Lincoln Baptist Church.
Contact Lincoln Community Gardens
021 074 3905
Lincoln Baptist Church
109 Carnavernon Drive Lincoln,7608New Zealand+ Google Map