Selwyn Trap Library November

Come see us for trapping advice and trap hire.

There will be a limited number of DOC200 and Possum traps and bait to loan out.

The trap library will be open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.  There will be no trap library in December.


Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University and Lincoln Community Committee.

Selwyn Trap Library

Come see us for trapping advice, trap hire.

There will be a limited number of DOC200 traps, Possum traps and bait to loan out.

The trap library will be open on the last Saturday of every month.


Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University, Lincoln Community Committee.

Selwyn Trap Library

Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community and Lincoln University.

Selwyn Trap Library





Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community and Lincoln University.

Selwyn Trap Library




Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community and Lincoln University.