Organised by Selwyn Libraries, Errol Wood from our Community Garden will be running an informative workshop where you can learn how to easily turn your kitchen scraps and garden waste into organic compost.
If no spaces are available, please call (03) 318 7780 to be added to our wait list. This is a repeat of the workshop held on Thursday 25th January at Lincoln Library.
Te Ara Ātea
56 Tennyson Street Rolleston,7614New Zealand+ Google Map
Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.
The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap.
The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.
The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.
Organised by Selwyn Libraries, Errol Wood from our Community Garden will be running an informative workshop where you can learn how to easily turn your kitchen scraps and garden waste into organic compost.
If no spaces are available, please call (03) 318 7780 to be added to our waitlist. This workshop will also be held on Saturday 17th February 11:00 am – 12:00 pm at Te Ara Ātea.
Come and see us for trapping advice and free trap hire.
The trap library will lend you the right type of predator control device to remove problematic pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap.
The aim is to remove these predators so the birds and plants can flourish.
The Selwyn Trap Library will open on the last Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market.
Registration is not required, just come along. Any queries please email you can also join the Facebook group
Contact Selwyn Trap Library
03 423 0445
Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market (located behind Lincoln Library)
22 Gerald Street Lincoln,7608New Zealand+ Google Map
A repeat of the popular workshop by Lesley Hurst from Bee Awesome He Pi Miharo will show us some simple ideas we can use to help the bees and the basics of getting started in beekeeping. If the weather is suitable, the beehive will be opened for those interested in getting a closer look at these intriguing insects. Beekeeper suits in adult to children’s sizes will be available.
All ages are welcome – qualify for a Children’s University stamp.
Our presenter Lesley has advised us, that if the morning is too cool it is unwise to open up the hive. If this is the case we will cancel the workshop. A decision will be made by 9 am. Please contact us by text or a phone call to find whether the workshop is definitely on or not. Thanks Ruth, 021 074 3905.
Sales table; also donations appreciated to support Bee Awesome and the Community Gardens.
Contact Lincoln Community Gardens
021 074 3905
Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.
35 James Street Lincoln,7608New Zealand+ Google Map
Have fun swapping your pre-loved clothes for other quality clothes donated.
Donated clothes will be on display so bring your friends and make an evening of it.
Women’s, Men’s, Kids clothing and accessories accepted, please no undergarments. If you don’t have clothes to drop off you can still come along on the evening and help yourself to free clothes.
VIP tickets are given to those who drop off their clothes prior to the event, this ticket will give you and a friend early entry to the event.
Drop off can be arrangement in Lincoln. We also have several drop off locations and times listed below, we can be identified by our blue Lincoln Envirotown t-shirt with a fantail on it.
If you know next to nothing about growing vegetables, but would like to get started, this workshop is for you!
It’s much cheaper to grow your own than to buy them!
In just 90 minutes, Graham Burge and Errol Wood will take you through the basics of bed preparation, planting seeds and seedlings, and the maintenance requirements (weeding, thinning, watering, etc.).
Surplus gardening gear and bedding plants will be on sale!
A gold coin donation to support the activities of the Gardens will be appreciated.
If wet, postponed until November 25th. Please note that the start time has changed from 10 am to 11 am.
Contact Lincoln Community Gardens
021 074 3905
Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.
35 James Street Lincoln,7608New Zealand+ Google Map