Green Fingers Galore

Saturday 22 February, 2025 @ 9:00 am 5:00 pm

Free (participants provide their own gardening materials)

Celebrating Selwyns’ Vegetable Gardens

This event focuses on sharing knowledge, celebrating success, and promoting sustainable home food production in Selwyn.  This is not a competition with the emphasis on participation. Every garden tells a story, and we want to hear yours!  During our garden visits, we’ll meet with you to learn about your techniques, challenges, and successes.

Event Details

  • Register: Send an email to Ruth, or call 021 074 3905. She will provide you with detailed assessment criteria. Deadline to register 1st February.
  • Location: Lincoln & Rolleston area
  • Cost: Free entry (participants provide their own gardening materials)
  • Garden Visits: Saturday 22nd February 2025

What We’re Looking For

  • Home vegetable gardens of any size
  • Integrated gardens combining vegetables with flowers, shrubs, or fruit trees
  • Sustainable growing practices
  • Creative gardening solutions

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Community Gardens Introduction

Saturday 15 February, 2025 @ 1:00 pm 1:30 pm

Free Booking required

Get involved in your community garden this Summer! Join Ruth and Errol Wood from Lincoln Community Gardens and learn what they do, how the gardens are managed, and what you can do to get involved! There will be plenty of time after the session to ask any questions you might have.

All ages welcome.

If no spaces are available, please call (03) 318 7780 to be added to the waitlist.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Library

22 Gerald Street,
+ Google Map

February Working Bee at the Mahoe Native Reserve, Lincoln

Sunday 2 February, 2025 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm


Come along and help us in the restoration and maintenance of the Mahoe Native Reserve in Lincoln.

Working bees are usually on the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm.  Please check before attending as some months are occasionally postponed.
Entry to the Reserve is on Boundary Road, Lincoln (opposite the High School).  Contact for any further information.

Please sign in and sign out.

Contact Mahoe Reserve

03 4230445

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance)

34 Boundary Road
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Starting & Maintaining a Worm Farm

November 9 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am

Free Gold coin donation appreciated.

Worm farming is a great way to turn your organic waste, such as kitchen scraps, into rich fertiliser for your garden, in the form of worm castings and worm tea.

This workshop will be presented by Elizabeth Lovell, the Sustainability Educator at Selwyn District Council. Elizabeth says “Come and see how to create the best worm farm on the block. This beginners’ workshop is suitable for all ages and will cover how to maintain and trouble-shoot common worm farm problems and mistakes. Learn how your organics waste can be transformed into “liquid gold”, and how vermicast can benefit your garden.”

Sales table operating – tools, seeds etc.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Veges 101

A gardening workshop for beginners of all ages.

October 19 @ 10:30 am 12:00 pm

Free Gold coin donation appreciated

In just 90 minutes, Errol Wood and Graham Burge will take you through the basics of bed preparation, planting seeds and seedlings, and the maintenance requirements (weeding, thinning, watering, etc.). 

We will also have a spring seedling swap. Bring along your surplus seedlings, and take away others for free.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Don’t Treat Your Soil Like Dirt!

September 21 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

Free Gold coin donation appreciated.

A workshop on the key characteristics of soil, their importance, and how to maintain healthy garden soil.

The soil is the foundation of a healthy garden, whether it is a lawn, a vegetable garden or a simple flower garden.

Roger McLenaghen of Lincoln University, assisted by Josie Mazzetto, will present the workshop.

Roger is a Senior Tutor in the Soil Science Department. He is responsible for the soil science laboratories for undergraduate classes, and lectures to Diploma students.

Bring along an ice-cream container of your vegetable garden soil if you would like to have it assessed by Roger.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Looking After Your Roses

July 27 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am


A Basic Workshop on Pruning and Caring for your Roses.

We are pleased to once again obtain the services of Liz, who comes from a long line of keen gardeners. She has completed the two-year Organic Horticulture course at the Biological Husbandry Unit (BHU) at Lincoln University. Now she looks after the gardens and grounds at the BHU, and her own developing garden.  This year she will be joined by her friend Jill Jones.

Booking is not required, just come along. A gold coin donation on the day to support the activities of the gardens will be appreciated.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Apple Tree Maintenance

May 25 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am

A workshop for beginners. We will cover the basic techniques of tree selection, training, pruning, and dealing with common pests.


A gold coin donation to support the activities of the Gardens will be appreciated.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Fungi in your Garden

April 13 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am


Some fungi will help your plants to get nutrients and protect them from diseases, while others will make your plants sick. You will find out about promoting the good fungi, and keeping the bad ones in check. You will also learn about the life-cycles of fungi so you know what to look out for to grow healthy plants.

Our presenter, Wendy Kentjens is a Tutor in Plant Pathology at Lincoln University. As well as teaching, Wendy is researching plant diseases and beneficial organisms that can be used for disease control.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Library

22 Gerald Street,
+ Google Map

Bonsai Refresher Workshop

April 6 @ 9:30 am 1:00 pm


Bonsai Refresher Workshop is presented by Tony Bywater, Christchurch Bonsai Society.

If you have already done a beginner’s workshop, or have some bonsai of your own at home, here is a chance to get further input into the styling and care of your trees. The workshop focuses on further development/refinement and care of existing bonsai, so bring one or more of your trees along for advice and assistance. 

There is a registration fee of $20.

Registration is essential. To register you must get directly in touch with Ruth the Lincoln Community Gardens Coordinator using the contact details below. 

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Baptist Church

109 Carnavernon Drive
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map