Apple Tree Maintenance

June 25 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am


We will cover the basic techniques of tree selection, training, pruning, and dealing with common pests.

Gold coin donation appreciated.

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Composting Workshop

June 18 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am


Compost improves your garden’s soil structure, texture, aeration, increases the soil’s water-holding capacity and is a great alternative to commercial fertilisers. Composting is also a great way to get rid of your kitchen scraps and garden waste, you can make it without spending a cent.

Join Errol Wood to learn about the basics of composting and how to get started.

Click to download the notes for the workshop

All ages.

Bookings required.

Lincoln Library

22 Gerald Street,
+ Google Map

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Composting Workshop

June 16 @ 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Compost improves your garden’s soil structure, texture, aeration, increases the soil’s water-holding capacity and is a great alternative to commercial fertilisers. Composting is also a great way to get rid of your kitchen scraps and garden waste, you can make it without spending a cent.

Join Errol Wood to learn about the basics of composting and how to get started.

Click to download the notes that go with this workshop.

All ages.

Bookings required.

Te Ara Ātea

56 Tennyson Street
Rolleston, 7614 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Green Fingers Galore – Selwyn Vegetable Garden Competition

February 23 @ 9:00 am 5:00 pm


An inclusive Lincoln Envirotown event to celebrate Selwyns’ many keen gardeners in our community, and to promote best practices in vegetable production.

Anyone can participate and there is no entry charge.

Judging with inspection visits will be arranged at the end of February (around 26th/27th), to interview the entrants and view their gardens. 

Only vegetable gardens will be assessed, not flower gardens, shrubs or fruit trees, unless these are integrated with the garden area.

The emphasis will be on participation rather than winning.  All gardens’ achievements will be celebrated.  Some prizes will be awarded to gardens of special merit.  An awards gathering will be held in early March 2022. Vaccination Passport Required.

Register to enter your vegetable garden, deadline for entries is Wednesday 23rd February. 

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Don’t Treat Your Soil Like Dirt!

November 6 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

A workshop on the key characteristics of soil, their importance, and how to maintain healthy garden soil.

The soil is the foundation of a healthy garden, whether it is a lawn, a vegetable garden or a simple flower garden.

Roger McLenaghen of Lincoln University will present the workshop at the Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. Roger is a senior tutor in the Soil Science Department. He runs the soil science laboratories for undergraduate classes, and lectures to Diploma students.

Bring along an ice-cream container of your vegetable garden soil if you would like to have it assessed.

Gold coin donation appreciated to support the Community Gardens.

Please note the venue for this workshop has changed to Lincoln Baptist Church, 109 Carnavernon Drive, Lincoln 7672.

Unfortunately at Level 2 we are unable to host visitors to the community gardens, we are very lucky that we can still hold this workshop thanks to Lincoln Baptist Church.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Lincoln Baptist Church

109 Carnavernon Drive
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Cancelled – VEGES 101

October 16 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

Event description

This event has been cancelled due to Covid Levels.

If you know next to nothing about growing vegetables, but would like to get started, this workshop is for you!

It’s much cheaper to grow your own than to buy them!

In just 90 minutes, Graham Burge and Errol Wood will take you through the basics of bed preparation, planting seeds and seedlings, and the maintenance requirements (weeding, thinning, watering, etc.). 

Cancelled if wet.

Free Gold coin donation appreciated.

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

Mahoe Reserve Working Bee – June 2021

June 6 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Monthly Working Bee to look after our Native Reserve

Come along and help us in the restoration and maintenance of the Mahoe native reserve.

Please wear suitable shoes, bring spades, garden gloves, sunglasses or other eye protection, also a bucket for mulch, if you can.

Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2.00 pm.

Contact Mahoe Reserve

03 4230445

Mahoe Reserve (opposite the high school main entrance)

34 Boundary Road
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Growing Great Apples

May 8 @ 10:30 am 11:30 am

How to prepare trees for regular crops of high quality fruit.

A demonstration by Keith Dickson, assisted by Errol Wood.

Keith is our local expert in pip-fruit production. This year he will focus on the training and pruning of apple, pear and nashi trees.

Plenty of time will be available for your questions and a general discussion of fruit tree maintenance.

A gold coin donation to support the activities of the Gardens will be appreciated.

For more information please contact Ruth Wood, Lincoln Community Gardens Coordinator.

Contact Lincoln Community Gardens

021 074 3905

The Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens are located on James Street, Lincoln, at the rear of the Lincoln Maternity Hospital. Please park on the street.

Lincoln Envirotown Community Gardens. The gardens are located behind the maternity hospital, please park on the street.

35 James Street
Lincoln, 7608 New Zealand
+ Google Map

Mahoe Reserve Working Bee

Come along and help us in the restoration and maintenance of the Mahoe Native Reserve.

Please wear suitable shoes, bring spades, garden gloves, sunglasses or other eye protection, also a bucket for mulch, if you can.

Working bees are the first Sunday of every month from 2pm.


Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community and Lincoln University.

Veges 101

A gardening workshop for beginners of all ages.

If you know next to nothing about growing vegetables, but would like to get started, this workshop is for you!

In just 90 minutes, Graham Burge and Errol Wood will take you through the basics of bed preparation, planting seeds and seedlings, and the maintenance requirements (weeding, thinning, watering, etc.).

A gold coin donation to support the activities of the Gardens will be appreciated.

Selection of garden tools available for sale.

Cancelled if wet.


Our Sponsors

A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

We extend our sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, Rata Foundation, Selwyn District Council, COGS, Lottery Community, Lincoln University and Hammer Hardware.